N. M. Cedeño lives near Austin, Texas and writes mystery short stories and novels. Her work varies from traditional mysteries to paranormal and science fiction mysteries. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and is an active member of her local chapter of Sisters in Crime. Ms. Cedeño has served as both president and vice president of the Sisters in Crime- Heart of Texas Chapter.
Awards and Nominations:
Ms. Cedeño’s science fiction mystery A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy was published by Analog Science Fiction and Fact Magazine in 2012 and nominated for best short story in the 2013 Analog Readers Poll. The story tied for third place in the poll. Her second novel, a near-future mystery entitled For the Children’s Sake, was published in 2015 and selected for a book award by the East Texas Writers Guild in 2016.
Trivia for the Curious:
The N stands for Noreen, an uncommon name in Texas, but not in Ireland, (and apparently also common in Pakistan, according to information received from my neighbor). The M stands for Marie, a very common name in multiple languages and countries.
Although she lives near Austin, the author has also lived in Houston, Dallas, Plano, and Amarillo. She is a native Texan.
N. M. Cedeño attended the University of Texas at Austin as a Plan II student. Plan II students were, at that time, known as “the Undecided” or “the double majors who never sleep” depending on how well they were able to direct their curiosity.
The author is married and has three children, a German shepherd mix-breed dog, and a red-eared slider turtle, who are all native Texans, too. The husband, however, is not a native Texan. He got here as fast as he could, so we forgive him for being born elsewhere and for speaking something other than Texan as his first language.